Product updates

Trezor Suite and Trezor Model One Firmware updates January 2022

Install Trezor Suite version 22.1.1 and update your device firmware by opening Trezor Suite and following on-screen instructions.

Trezor Blog
Published in
6 min readJan 19, 2022


Trezor Suite and Trezor Model One hardware wallet updates January 2022

An update for Trezor Suite, the main interface for Trezor hardware wallets, and new firmware for the Trezor Model One is ready to install. No firmware update for the Trezor Model T has been released this month. To download and install these updates, simply open Trezor Suite and proceed by following on-screen instructions.

More information about both updates can be found in the relevant changelog:

Not using Trezor Suite yet? From January 31 2022, the Trezor Wallet web interface will no longer be supported. Download Trezor Suite for free today, or access it in your browser at

Kicking off 2022 as we plan to continue, this month’s updates make Trezor Suite more accessible and easy to use. The biggest feature is a new Early Access program, where you can opt in to receive updates a week ahead of the official release.

Ethereum users will be happy to know that EIP-712 is now supported for the Trezor Model One as well as the Model T. We’re also making it easier to verify ownership of an address using the AOPP standard where required, and continue to improve the Suite Guide user guide.

Early Access

Want to try out new features early and help Trezor Suite reach its full potential? The new Early Access program is an easy opt-in feature that will deliver beta versions of new updates a week before their planned release date. You will always be able to choose whether to install the update or not.

Join the early access beta testing program via the app settings menu

Joining Early Access is just a matter of enabling it in the Settings menu. Visit Application Settings and scroll down to the new Experimental Features section at the bottom. Select Join, review the conditions, then check for updates to install any available pre-release version.

To use Early Access, you must consent to receiving less stable versions of Trezor Suite software

Once enabled, an icon shaped like a star will appear in the top right of the Trezor Suite interface. Early Access is only available for the Trezor Suite desktop app, as the web version always runs the most recent stable version.

The Star icon next to Tor and Discreet mode buttons  shows Early Access is enabled.

When an Early Access update is ready for testing you will receive a notification to download it. Once installed, you will be able to try out all of the latest features and start suggesting things to improve or fix by clicking Support & Feedback in the Suite Guide and choosing to leave Feedback or report a Bug. Please bear in mind that since Early Access updates are pre-release versions, you may encounter bugs or other issues as you test.

Use the in-app feedback tool to report bugs or make feature requests

To opt-out of Early Access updates at any time, just click the star icon. If you turn it off while running an Early Access version, you will be given the choice to downgrade to the latest stable version of Trezor Suite or remain on the installed version.

You can choose to downgrade to the latest stable version when you leave the Early Access program

For a long time Trezor has been proud to have a large community of Beta testers working to make Bitcoin security more open and accessible. Ever since closing the Beta program with the official launch of Trezor Suite, we have been eager to welcome back all our irreplaceable community testers and hope to see many more get started with the convenience of Early Access.

Other changes to Trezor Suite

Access settings and guide from homescreen
You can now configure Trezor Suite settings by clicking the settings gearwheel on the homescreen, without needing to connect a device. This gives more control over what you choose to see when your device is connected and is especially useful if you need to use Trezor Suite around other people.

The Suite Guide can also now be accessed without a device, so if you need to recover your Trezor or forget your PIN, it’s easy to find a solution without needing to chase down the answer online.

Invity interface token changes
The Trezor Trade menu provided by Invity has been updated to reflect the specific network of any tokens you buy. This is intended to clear up any confusion about tokens which can exist on multiple networks.

All tokens are now shown with the network name explicitly stated

At the moment, all available multichain tokens are ERC20 tokens which exist on the Ethereum network. To enjoy this and full functionality of Invity’s exchange and buy features, users must update to Trezor Suite version 22.1.1 or later.

Russian language now available
Trezor Suite is now also available in Russian, thanks to another successful translation drive supported by members of our community. This beta version can be turned on through the Application Setting menu.

Choose Russian from the language dropdown menu in Settings

If you want to help improve existing translations, or if you want to see Trezor Suite available in your native language as well, be sure to join our CrowdIn translation project and pick the language you wish to to contribute to!

AOPP signing
In certain cases you may need to prove ownership of an address. Our recent blog shows how Trezor Suite lets you use Sign & Verify to do just that using your hardware wallet. Now you can also easily generate signatures that conform to AOPP (Address Ownership Proof Protocol) standard by using a QR code or pasting a URI, saving time when dealing with some jurisdictions’ regulations.

Trezor Model One firmware update

Support for EIP-712
Smart contracts can be exploited in various ways, so there needs to be a way of verifying their contents. Displaying smart contract data in full is meaningless to most of us, but without it you can not be sure what the contract does.

Ethereum improvement proposal EIP-712 provides a compromise that lets you review minimum verifiable information about the address and contract you are interacting with. It is now compatible with both Trezor models. It is implemented in full in the Trezor Model T, which has a bigger screen to accommodate the data, but for the Model One data must be signed blindly.

Signing unverified data can be dangerous, so while your Trezor Model One will allow you to do it, it is strongly recommended to upgrade to a Trezor Model T if you will be interacting with EIP-712 smart contracts regularly.



Innovating since we founded the industry in 2013 with production of the first crypto hardware wallet, the Trezor One. Open-source, secure, community-driven.