Steel bundle: TREZOR One + Cryptosteel

Keep your coins double protected.

Trezor Blog


Introducing the special, limited edition bundle: 
TREZOR One Black + Cryptosteel for € 159.
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TREZOR keeps your coins, passwords and other keys protected from the danger of the online world, thanks to its smart and innovative design, and intuitive interface. As a hardware device, it is indeed durable, even water-resistant. But what if there are other physical dangers?

The environment is not predictable; accidents happen. In such an unfortunate event, you do have your Recovery seed, generated by the device. You can always use your 12- to 24-word seed to restore access to your wallet.

But the paper, on which you write your seed words by default, is not the most resistant material in the world.

Luckily, there is a solution: Cryptosteel!

What is Cryptosteel?

Cryptosteel is a hand-crafted, steel backup for your personal recovery seed generated by TREZOR.

The material, steel, was carefully selected to provide an indestructible physical backup tool for your recovery seed. It is resistant to fire, water, even to corrosion. Its sturdiness also protects your seed from physical damage.

How does Cryptosteel work?

Cryptosteel comes with more than 250 stainless steel letter tiles engraved on each side. You can assemble your recovery seed manually from the supplied partly randomized set of tiles. For each recovery seed word, only assemble its first four letters. This is sufficient for their uniqueness.

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Why do I need a Cryptosteel?

You can think of Cryptosteel as the master of all backups. It is a premier, indestructible physical backup tool for your recovery seed, without any third-party involvement. You assemble your backup for your peace of mind.

Is Cryptosteel environment-resistant?

Yes, Cryptosteel is resistant to various sorts of physical damages, including fire, flooding, corrosive conditions, and impacts from accidents.

About Us

Created by SatoshiLabs in 2014, the Trezor One is the original and most trusted hardware wallet in the world. It offers unmatched security for cryptocurrencies, password management, and serves as the second factor in Two-Factor Authentication. These features combine with an interface that is easy to use whether you are a security expert or a brand new user.

Trezor Model T is the next-generation hardware wallet, designed with the benefits of the original Trezor in mind, combined with a modern and intuitive interface for improved user experience and security. It features a touchscreen, faster processor, and advanced coin support, as well as all the features of the Trezor One.



Innovating since we founded the industry in 2013 with production of the first crypto hardware wallet, the Trezor One. Open-source, secure, community-driven.